Friday, August 12, 2011

Weis Again. (August 12th 2011)


 My two weeks of Weis ended today. I had such a blast. I made lots of new friends and I took a bunch of pictures the last two days :] I'll show you a couple of my favorites!

One of the counselors taking a quick nap during our long hike. :]

My group having a blast with the homemade volcano


He's adorable.

My all time favorite picture in the entire world. This is completely adorable.

In conclusion, it was awesome and I will be back next year.. whether or not they want me! haha. Ready or not.
I'm not sure if the kids' parents would appreciate me naming all their children in the captions of the pictures, that's why I didn't.

So I was originally going to type up my post today 6hours ago but some friends came over and we had to go water the community garden that I volunteer at. Then we went to the neighborhood party that happens every Friday and met some more friends there. YES. I HAVE FRIENDS. It's 11:30. So I need to go to bed.. BUT I still posted this before midnight. so it's legal.

The End.

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