Wednesday, August 31, 2011

A Random Farewell (August 31th 2011)


Awhh It's the last day of BEDA! I will probably still post on here once in a while. Maybe. Well, I'll be posting most of my essays from school and I want to put up my summer reading once that's all done. It will be done! I swear. I hope. Come on! All I have to do is finish a book and 4/5ths of another and do three projects. And a math packet. pst. I still have a week! heh. I'll be doing that right after dinner.

Besides that, life has been going good. I met up with a lot of old friends these past two weeks. Caught up with them. I spent 3-4hours today studying the dictionary and playing bananagrams with I think I should get out more.

Here's something pretty to look at because I am not sure what to talk about.

My brother is coming home finally! I haven't seen him since June 1st. He's been around Europe, working, and traveling. Fun Stuff right? I missed him.

For some reason my computer has been acting extremely slow all the time! I don't know why.

Life is good. Farewell, for now.

The End.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Dream House (August 30th 2011)


 I'm a very picky person when it comes to furniture and decor of a room. That's why my mother wants me to be an interior designer.. but I don't want to go to college for that and architecture.. I don't think. I'm not sure yet, even though I took a course at my school for it during the summer for a couple weeks. During that course I made a poster of clippings from different architecture magazines of things I liked. It's in my computer room right now. Also, I have a page in my diary (I haven't written in it since May so I should do that sometime this week) dedicated to my dream house. So I will list some of those things too.

I have always wanted an indoor balcony. Like when you can look up from the downstairs and see the upstairs' doors and hallway. My power just went out, otherwise I would look up a picture and post it here to show you what I mean.

The power came back on! and sort of like this.. only an entire floor.
I don't know if I would actually want these in my house, but I quite enjoy spiral staircases. I think they look so awesome! If I can’t have a spiral staircase I would at least want to have two flights of stairs right next to each other. They can be small. My friend has it like that. Say you enter the front door, then on your right would be the flight of stairs that goes to the top floor then on your left would be the flight that goes to the bottom floor. (or vice versa). I just like stairs. What can I say.
Now this, I would have in my house. Exactly this kind of stairwell I would love.

look! It has an indoor balcony!

I would want many glass cabinets. They scare me slightly but they look so nice! I’m scared of them because I feel like they will break so easily. I have a couple in my kitchen now and they display the wine glasses and stuff like that. I love them so much. I also have a glass cabinet in my room for some of my books. I enjoy this one as well!

I like balconies. Inside or out, as I said earlier. I have always wanted a balcony on the second floor that takes stairs to get to the one of the first floor. Like down the shore. A lot of houses down the shore have many sets of balconies. I also want a balcony that goes all the way around the house. I think that would look lovely.

I like uneven roofs and uneven ceilings. Good thing that they come hand in hand, eh? I love those houses with many, many roofs.
Sort of like this. as an example. only not really. I found a better picture but I wasn't allowed to copy it for you!

And that’s about it, besides the fact that I want to paint every single room in my house a different color. I also want to hand paint designs and such everywhere, like I mentioned in my post previous to this. Or I would also love to have every stair a different color. or alternating colors.

That would be all, except for the fact that I cannot post this because there is no internet! Ahh. Well, just remember, a lot of glass and a lot of bright colors will make up my dream home. Oh, and stairs, and railings.

The End.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Butterflies and Things (August 29th 2011)


All is well in Gotham City, besides half of Northern Jersey is in a blackout, including major supermarkets, and half of the East Coast is flooded. A few more branches fell here or there.

I started my next summer reading book and I'm journaling every three (3) chapters or so for the project. Maybe once I'm done I'll post them on here so I'll be able to keep them forever. That's what I like about blogs. You can document whatever you want and no matter what happens to your house or computer, it'll always be there for you to go back to.

I made a video a couple of days ago called Childhood Books. If you want to check that out, just click the title.

Oh and I got a FlipCam so I could travel and film and stuff. Which is nice!

I made myself another to-do list. I almost finished everything. By the time I have finished this I will only have two more things to do or so. Life is good.
Here's a butterfly to prove that.
I love butterflies. I really do. My goal for life would be to be able to paint/draw the perfect butterfly and frame it. I want to get really good at that. I think that would be awesome. That way, once I get myself my own house I could paint butterflies all over the walls and make it look like they all came from one point. Then farther and farther through the house they'll disperse more and more. I think it would look pretty.

The End.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Hurricane Irene .2 (August 28th 2011)


So uh. The hurricane wasn't that bad. But pretty bad considering our location. I only wonder how awful it was that got the full force. Oh dear. So here are some pictures of the damage it did just on my corner of the neighborhood. Thank god no one was hurt. Just a lot of flooding and exploding.
Neighbor's garage

Neighbor's car


River almost overflowing
My backyard. Yeah I live on the lake... But it's usually two feet lower than that. That's my dad pulling our boat to safety.

Same river. actually overflowing

Different neighbor's house. So glad that we live on a hill.
A tree fell through my neighbor's house.
 I'm a little tired. distraught. and confuzzled from everything. It seems that almost every time the wind blows a branch falls. It's quite frightening. Tonight I have to go sleep in my brother's room because a) it's farther away from trees and b) my room is too messy to function right now. JUST KIDDING about "b" ...well I mean it's extremely messy but ...yeah. I'll stop talking.

The End.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Hurricane Irene, Really?(August 27th 2011)


Hurricane is getting closer! The rain is supposed to start soon. I'm excited I don't know about you. Lower Manhattan and Battery Park was evacuated yesterday. Major highways and parkways have closed all the exits going to the shore. All my friends are within an hour radius from me. My one brother is safe in Europe, somewhere. My other is in Pennsylvania. My parents are home. I have an unlimited supply of books. I have a flashlight. And my house is filled with candles. Black out? No problem. The only thing I'm worried about would be if the water stops. I don't want to smell.
The rain just started at noon. Even though Hurricane Irene hit North Carolina an hour ago. We're only supposed to get 20-30% of the force, so it really, honestly, shouldn't be that awful here. However, we really haven't have any hurricanes here so we don't know how to take any precautions. It's pouring now! grrr. I'm going to hangout with some neighbors in 45 minutes. We were supposed to meet at the street corner so I don't know what's going on with that. We are filling up the bathtubs now with water. Jeez. I guess this was more serious than I thought it was. I need to get going. I have to keep an eye on the tub so it doesn't over flow and (I just checked right now) and make my bed and change out of my jammys. Just a day in the life.

Op! By the way, I hope everyone's okay who got hit really badly. I'll be sending good vibes towards you!

The End.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Just Another Short Blog Post (August 26th 2011)


A hurricane's a comin'. Her name is Irene. We probably won't get it badly here, but everyone's still freaking out and buying everything out of the stores. Better safe than sorry I suppose. It'll be raining all weekend most likely because of her though.
A couple things:
a) I updated this post! I finished a book last night.
b) I updated this one as well. I remembered another place that I volunteered at.
c) Look at my hair this morning.
Nice right?
d) I got a really nice post on facebook from my friend so I just wanted to share it.
It's from the guy on the left. ^_^
e) As I mentioned in "a" I finished a book. It was my first summer reading book! I am very excited! Only two to go and there's two weeks of summer left. Not to mention that I have to do a very large project on each as well. I don't know what went on this summer. I am usually pretty good about summer reading. I mean I have always done it before September but this year it looks like I won't be. Which is depressing for me. Maybe If I just read nonstop all weekend I'll be able to get my first project done and the second book! That's a good goal. Here's a hopin'.
f) I still need to eat breakfast before my mother gets home from the store. Once she gets back we're going to the stores to get me some school gym sneakers. Fun. Oh gosh! I still have to make my bed. Well, that's it for today. I wanted to say all these things before I forgot. I'm off to go eat breakfast!

The End.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

To-Do (August 25th 2011)


Today, I made myself a to-do list so I could try to be productive. Of course, doing my blog post was one of them. I am doing that right now! I also did a couple other things on my list. I posted my first FB video on my friend's FB wall. Which isn't a big deal but I am pretty excited. Considering I have a webcam..and that's what it should be used for. That wasn't on my to-do list but hey. I did it anyway.

My list looks something like this:
  • Finish summer reading book
  • pick project for the book
  • check email tonight
  • unpack bag from yesterday
  • wash hair
  • blog post
  • get dressed 
  • make bed
  • make video
  • clean desk
  • do summer math packet
  • sort through nail polish
Only on a 3by5 index card.
Let me explain myself before you get all judgmental on me. Yes I need to remind myself to wash my hair. But that's only because I want to wash it, not because it's dirty. Usually I wash my hair every other day. However, I washed my hair yesterday. But since I went to Sixflags it got fry-food smelling and very winded from the roller coasters. Did you know roller coasters is two words? I always thought it was one until now when my spellcheck fixed it for me.

I would also just like to say.  I'M AN ONLY CHILD. AHHH. Now I have one brother in college and one brother in Norway..or Iceland.. I'm not sure. He's traveling around. He comes home in a week! I'm excited to see him. I haven't in 3 months.

I'm actually home alone right now. My mom's out having fun. And my dad's at work.. and here I am. Sitting in my room, writing on the internet. Lovely. But I have to be at home. so I can finish this stinkin' summer reading.

Sorry that my posts have been so random. And pointless. I'll get around to having stuff to talk about eventually.

The End.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

A Story and a Half (August 24th 2011)


I woke up at 8. Out of the house by 9. and just got back at 10:40. I'm so active! Nooo not really. I was just at Six Flags with my best friend. It was so fun and so tiring. I stood for a total of at least 8 hours. I can't feel my legs they hurt so badly. Seriously though. My legs are in so much pain that they went numb.

I was fooling around on my webcam the other day. Yeah. This is how I spend my Monday evenings. How do you spend yours?

A couple weeks ago when I was going back home from my grandparents' house with my brother, we stopped at a red light before the Highway. The lady next to us had her window down. I causally glanced over, and as I did, she threw a piece of trash out the window. I completely flipped out. I started yelling from inside the car (the windows being closed). I was about the get out of the car and pick up the piece of trash myself but my brother restrained me. Fortunately for him, I calmed down and relaxed back into my sit. Although I was still extremely angry. Then as we were pulling away she threw ANOTHER piece of trash out the window. Unbelievable. Of course I started screaming again. Then I punched the window as her car pulled out of sight. So the moral of this story is... I get very angry easily over litter. No seriously. I actually got a savings bond in middle school graduation for being so called "green". I'm grateful don't get me wrong. I stay at people if they litter and give them dirty looks until they pick it up. I pick up other people's trash without a second thought. I mean we only have one Earth. We need to take care of it. That makes sense right?

Thus concludes our blog post for this evening. I leave you today with a quote that I got off of my cereal box this morning.

"Always leave the Earth better than how you found it."-Rupert Stephens

The End.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

I'm a Good Person, I Promise

This is mostly for me. But I wanted to document all the times and places I have volunteered in my life. This will be continuously updated.
  • Number of hats I have knitted for Chemotherapy patients: 1. 2011
  • There is this program in my town called "Caring for [insert name of town here] Day" and it is where you spend 5/6hours on a certain street picking up the trash and litter there. I have participated in this 3 times so far.
  • At my high school I have participated in the annual Knit-A-Thon 1 time. 2011
  • I spent 60 hours volunteering at the local ecology center. 2011
  • I spent over 30 hours last summer working in the community garden. 2010
  • The food we grew there was donated to the Center for Food Action. I spent time packing and handing out food there. (3hours) 2010
  • I spent 6hours this summer at the garden. 2011
  • I went on this program called the Midnight Run (7hours). You go into NYC at night and donate clothes and food to homeless people. It was a blast and I was exhausted at the end of it. 2010
  • I worked with horses and took a training session with them so I could work with disabled people who wanted to ride them. It's some sort of therapy. Pony Power. 6hours
  • I collect and donate books to the local pediatric center 2011/2012
  • I was a server/bus boy at an art show at the local Catholic school in my town 2012
  •  To be continued.....if I think of anything else and if I do anything else

Baking (August 23rd 2011)


There was a 5.9 earthquake in Virginia about 5minutes ago and we were able to feel the aftershock here. Well I didn't feel anything. I hope everyone in Virginia is okay. I have a couple friends down there so I'll keep my fingers crossed for them.
On another note, I have 2845 songs on my itunes. Yeaahhhhhh man.
On another-nother note,

Yeah. so. I made rainbow cupcakes with my best friend a couple months ago and I just wanted to share these pictures because they are so cool.
Right. This post today is here to confess my love for baking. I love it. so much. Whether it's red velvet cake from scratch with my close friend/neighbor. Or from the batter and adding food coloring to it^^^^ with my best friend. I enjoy it thoroughly.
The only sad part is that my family isn't big on baking so we don't have any basic baking stuff. We don't have brown sugar or flour. It depresses me. However, I think I will try to bake more exotic things over at my neighbor's home. It will be fun. We may not be the best at it, but I have to say, some of the goods come out amazing
I kind of wanted to go to culinary school for it at one point but that didn't go well. That's okay. Maybe I'll just take some summer courses once I get older. That would be incredible.

Welp. That's it for now.

The End.

Monday, August 22, 2011

A Poem about Summer Reading (August 22nd 2011)


YAY. I am finally caught up with all my posts. I don't know exactly what to write about today because all I have on my mind right now is my summer reading. So in spirit of that I am going to try to improvise a poem about it to procrastinate even more.

Ode to Summer Reading
I don't mind hours of homework during the school year
I study for exams with nothing to fear
However, during the summer I don't want to work
You can call me a lazy, irresponsible jerk
But I bet you can't find a single teenager who thinks differently
Even if you interrogate them very gently
Summer is about taking many photographs you want to keep
Not having to count sheep just to fall asleep
Summer is about laughing with friends
Not worrying about how your essay should end
I never rest in school, not until the work is done
During the summer I go to the pool, walking around and having fun
Summer reading, the books stacked on my nightstand
I stare at you when I would rather be lying in the sand
Page by page, Word by word
Glancing up when I hear a bird
Only two weeks left of summer
You've been on my mind the whole time, what a bummer
You will be finished, potentially
Considering I need to graduate, eventually

I gotta say. I'm pretty proud of that for coming up with that in a span of 30 minutes. Who da man? I AM.
Now I need to go ..and do summer reading.

The End.

Just Some Random Life Updates (August 21st 2011)


Day late. Only because I got home really late last night and I was exhausted.
On my Tumblr someone asked me a really good question so I scene shot the question so I could put it on this blog.
*but then I would see it as more *Immortal with me
:] You gotta love strangers.

So in the mail today I got a letter from "People to People" I don't understand it fully.. But apparently they want me to go travel with them to Italy, Sicily, and Greece next summer. I have no idea what organization they are or how they got my address.
This is a scene shot of the website about the People to People thingy. Sounds pretty good to me.
But they are an actual organization and they want me to come because it would look good on my college resume that I was a 'Student Ambassador'. I have no idea what they were talking about. I went on their website and I am still confused. But I would love to go if it's not expensive. Because my trip to Africa comes first!

Speaking of my trip to Africa, my mother found another organization and they offer other places to volunteer. They had places like Fiji, Jamaica, Cambodia and Peru. Ahhh. I wanted to go to Fiji.... Just because it's Fiji but it's on the exact opposite side of the world! So the plane tickets would be very very expensive. My mother wants me to go to Jamaica because it's not as far, they've been there before, and it would be cheaper. Which makes sense. It would be extremely cool to go to Jamaica to volunteer. I feel like the culture there is absolutely amazing. The music. The people. I feel like Jamaica is one of the most beautiful places in the world, for the culture.
My only dilemma is that I really want to go to Africa. It would be amazing. If I were to go to Africa I would have to pick a program to go with and also the country I want to spend two weeks in! There are so many decisions in life!

The End.

Friday, August 19, 2011

My Bucket List (August 20th 2011)


 So I have to type this up (even though it's actually still Friday). I made a video on my channel tonight since I haven't in a week.
It's almost ten-thirty and I haven't packed yet for the two-day college trip.
Because of that I am just going to copy&paste something.

This is my Bucket List (except the personal things):

2.    Set a World Record
3.    Own a leather jacket
4.    Get bitten by a snake
5.    Get hit by a car
6.    Go sky diving
7.    Own a Morph suit
8.    Dress up as a pirate for a day
9.    Dress up as a superhero for a day
10.  Try everything on the Starbucks menu
11.  Stay drug-free
12.  Get Married to an amazing guy
13.  Don’t get Knocked up before 21
14.  Go to a heavy metal concert
15.  bungee jumping
16.  have a Star wars marathon
17.  have a harry potter marathon
18.  get a cat
19.  Get a tattoo (or 2...or 3...)
20.  get an unique  animal
21.  have at least 2 kids
22.  go to japan and building jump
23.  swim with sharks
24.  meet a celebrity
25.  go to Asia
26.  go to Australia
28.  go to south America
29.  Go to Hawaii again
30.  go to Paris
31.  Study in London
32.  Study in France
33.  study in Poland
34.  go to California
35.  go to a concert with my favorite band
36.  pretend to be a Ninja all day
37.  pretend to be a spy for a day
40.  Make a pizza from scratch
41.  Read the Bible from cover to cover
42.  Get a career in something I love
43.  Be a vegetarian for at least a while
44.  Have every room in my home a different color with different designs (paint it myself) or at least have each stair a different color]
45.  Paint my room exotic
46.  Paint myself entirely.
48.  Write a couple songs
49.  Pretend to be an Indian warrior for a while.
50.  Do something that makes a difference in a lot of peoples’ lives
51.  Graduate high school
52.  Graduate college
53.  Sleep under the stars, no tent
54.  Take many, many beautiful photographs.
.  Give my kids very exotic names (maybe Greek Gods names)
6.  Invent something cool
57.  Make a successful dinner for the family
58.  Learn to play the guitar
59.  Learn to play the Ukulele
60.  Learn Sign Language
61.  Become fluent in French
62.  Become fluent in Polish
63.  Finish all seven Harry Potter books
64.  Buy footie pajamas and wear them
65.  Never fail a class
67.  Learn to skateboard well
68.  Learn to surf
69.  Knit a blanket
72.  Start vlogging
74.  Go to Africa and help people there
75.  Scuba dive
77.  Go to every country in Europe
78.  Write a book and get it published
79.  Make a dress from scraps

The numbers got slightly messed up. But there you go. As you can see I have already done some of them :)

My Brother (August 19th 2011)


Hello. Tomorrow morning I will be leaving to go to college with my brother to drop him off there. 7/8 hour car ride. Sweet. I'm gonna miss him though. This will me my first time as an "only child" in the house. It will be an adventure.
Since I am not allowed to bring my laptop on this little college trip. I will have to do two posts tonight.
For my brother's 17th birthday I wrote him a nice card. It was actually my application essay for one of the high schools I applied to. The topic was to describe someone you look up to and admire.
"He had brown hair and blue-green eyes. No matter how much I grew he was always a foot taller than me. So I always looked up to him. He always told me what was right and what was wrong. Whenever I was confused, he would help me not to be. Whenever I wanted to make something or go somewhere, there he was. On every occasion that there wasn't enough seats; he would let me sit on his lap so I wouldn't have to stand. If I wanted to play a game he was there to say, 'Yeah, I'll play with you!' He was my leader and I was always following. He joined Recreation soccer, so did I. He taught me how to play cards. He taught me that a little imagination and stuffed animals could make a whole new world. He taught me how to be a better baseball player. He influenced me to do my best in school and in life. I would always tell myself, 'I wanna be exactly like him when I grow up." But I can't. I can't be exactly like him. No two people are alike. He taught me I have to be my own person. I have to find myself and let it shine through. So that's what I'm doing. Maybe I'll never be as smart as he is. And maybe I'll never be as tall or as talented...But I'll be myself. And I know no matter what happens he'll always be there and I'll always be looking up to my older brother, Kris."

And now that over a year has passed I would like to add:
You are that friend that will willingly take out your wallet and pay for whatever I need. You are that friend that will walk across an entire mall just to pull the car around because my feet are tired. You are that friend that I will miss seeing every day and laughing with at every dinner. I love you. And good luck with college. I know you'll do great!

The End.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

School History (August 18th 2011)


I like to think of myself as a rather decent student. I try to pay attention as much as possible. I never talk back. But every once in a while I get into trouble and most of the time it's not my fault.
In fourth grade, I got a detention for not getting all my papers signed when my parents were away on vacation.
In fifth grade, I got a detention for someone else talking to me during class when I ignored them.
In sixth grade, I got kicked out of my FLEX (It's like geography) classroom for "making a joke" but it was actually a completely serious question.
I don't remember getting in trouble at all during 7th or 8th grade.
Last year I got yelled as for not sitting straight in my desk and apparently giving the teacher attitude (I really didn't. He was just in a bad mood that day).

For the interested, I go to a private Catholic high school. It's an all-girls school. I enjoy it a lot. Before this, I went to public school all my life (except for pre-school, that was Catholic too). However, I am not Catholic.

My school district was a little weird too. Pre-school. Then Kindergarden-3rd grade was one school (Elementary). Then 4th and 5th was another school (it was called the Intermediate school). Then 6th-8th was middle school. Now of course 9th-12th is high school.
There were two elementary schools that all combined starting at the intermediate school. It's sort of complicated.

Now I have to go because they are closing the water in my town at 10pm and it's almost 9pm and my brother has to shower after me.

The End.

Some Fun Facts about Myself (August 17th 2011)


I'm late. I'm late. for a very important date. Only by a half hour though. So it's okay.
Last night, I went to bed at 8 o'clock and woke up at 1pm. Then today, I watched all the Friends DVDs that I own. Now, here I am, 30 minutes late with my blog post. Awh well. At least I remembered last minute. This will be quick since It's almost 1am and I am exhausted (even though I slept 16hrs the night before).
I'll just tell you weird things about me:
  • I wash my hair by holding my head upside down because my hair is too heavy.
  • I never toast my bagels.
  • I have a coaster in my room so I don't leave circles from my cups.
  • I think I may be lactose intolerant. But I'm not sure.
  • I feel guilty every time after I throw out a toothbrush.
  • I get obsessed with TV shows very easily. Last year, It was 21 Jumpstreet. This past spring and now it's Doctor Who. and over the winter it was How I Met Your Mother. Now, it seems to becoming Friends. A couple years ago it was What I Like About You. Last year and a half ago it was Glee.
  • I haven't eaten red meat since 6th grade. It's complicated.
  • I genuinely love school and my high school especially.
  • I get jealous very easily.
  • I bite my nails if they aren't painted because I hate long nails.
  • I know how to sew, crochet, knit, pearl, finger knit, and finger crochet.
  • I love drawing but I'm not very good at it.
  • I have a diary.
  • I love airports and try to spend as much time in them as possible.
  • My favorite number is 14.
  • My favorite color since I've been 3 is magenta
  • I like names for girls if they're after objects or places. Like Rain or Brooklyn.
  • I have a thing for brand-new colored pencils.
  • One of my all time favorite books is Number the Stars by Lois Lowry
  • I almost always set out my clothes for the next day, even though I wear a uniform to school.
  • I am absolutely fascinated by the story "Catch Me if You Can" the movie and the musical. Both based on the true story. I highly recommend it to everyone.
  • I love almost every type of musical except rap and country. But I like country pop like Shania Twain and Carrie Underwood. But my favorites are Alternative and Indie. I also really like YouTube musicians.
  • People always say "Ohh sucks that you go to a Catholic School. You should transfer." No. It doesn't suck. I'm not Catholic. But it really isn't as terrible as the media makes it out to be. I enjoy it. I would hate to go to a public high school. I wouldn't learn anything, personally. I go to a private school because I enjoy learning and I want to get the most I can out of my high school education. So what if they make us pray every morning. So what if I have to catch my school bus at 6am. So what if I have to wear a uniform. So what that there aren't any boys at my school. It doesn't suck. It may suck for some people because they hate school. and they drink. and they smoke. But I don't. And it's perfect for me. Don't judge. I'm just a nerd with a huge dream of going to a great college and graduating in the top 5% of my class.
Goodbye and Goodnight.

The End.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Nationality (August 16th 2011)


I just want to take a moment to say
I want this. This would be my dream prom dress. I will make it if I have to.

Now on with the post.
Today's post is about nationality. Most people are a whole bunch of nationalities combined like 70% Irish, 15% Spanish, 10% Italian, 5% French, for example. However, I'm 100% Polish. Plain and simple.
I'm proud of that. First generation (after of course my two brothers) born in America.
I wish people would embrace their nationalities and heritages. A lot of my friend's parent's don't know their 'native' languages even if their parents speak it fluently. It's because they were ashamed of it. Don't be ashamed of who you are.
My parents speak Polish to me all the time and it's awesome.
For example, I was at Six Flags last year and a lady was speaking to another lady in Polish about how she wasn't sure if she was ready to go on such an exotic ride. I turned around and said, "No. Don't worry about it. It really isn't that bad. op. sorry for eavesdropping." and I turned back around. It was cool. It's like you have your own secret community if you speak another language (or in my case.. understand another language).
Or you can talk about people behind their back (literally) with another person and hopefully they wont have any idea what you're talking about.
I just like the idea of so many different languages and so many people speaking them.
That's why I want to learn many languages. I want to become fluent in at least four ( as mentioned with a bunch of other things on my bucket list
Anyway, I like being Polish. I eat borscht on Christmas and Christmas Eve. We have the most delicious pastries and cakes in the world. Christmas Eve is more important than Christmas. Easter breakfast is a huge deal and usually consists of herring, pickles, eggs, mushrooms, horseradish, and meats. The rye bread is to die for when fresh out of the bakery.
There's no way you can tell me that it isn't gorgeous.

Especially the last one.
I love Poland. I have family in Poland. The pretzels are amazing.
Oh. Fun fact of the day.
The bagel shop in my town actually gets it's recipe from the pretzels in Poland. They are the best bagels in the world. No joke. That was not an opinion. It was a fact.

The End.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Books I've Read in 2011

In order of which they were read.
  1. Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare ****
  2. The Pearl by John Steinbeck **
  3. The Good Earth by Pearl S. Buck *
  4. Paper Towns by John Green **
  5. Keeping the Moon by Sarah Dessen ***
  6. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by JK Rowling *****
  7. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix by JK Rowling *****
  8. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince by JK Rowling *****
  9. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by JK Rowling *****
  10. An Abundance of Katherines by John Green *****
  11. Looking for Alaska by John Green ****
  12. Vector by Robin Cook  ***' (kind of a pain to read but once it was finished, it was worth reading)
  13. In My Hands: Memories of a Holocaust Rescuer by Irene Gut Opdyke (with Jennifer Armstrong) *****
  14. Just Listen by Sarah Dessen ****
  15. Perfect Chemistry by Simone Elkeles *****
  16. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone by JK Rowling  *****
  17. Holes by Louis Sachar *****
  18. Eragon by Christopher Paolini ***
  19. Pretty Little Things by Jilliane Hoffman *** (good but creepy)
  20. Remember Me? by Sophie Kinsella ***
  21. Will Grayson, Will Grayson by John Green & David Levithan ***
  22. Perfect You by Elizabeth Scott ****'
  23. Boys, Girls, & Other Hazardous Materials by Rosalind Wiseman ****
  24. Wicked Lovely by Melissa Marr *****
  25. City of Bones by Cassandra Clare *****
25 books were read this year!

College, eh? (August 15th 2011)


I'm a girl with big dreams. So let's just say the hefty majority of them all are entirely unreachable. But. Hey. A girl can dream.(ahh. The power went out so I am going to have to post this later)
Anyhoo, the dream that I wanted to talk about today was college. It's been on my mind a lot recently because my brother is leaving for Carnegie Mellon on Saturday.
I spent a couple days of this summer doing some college research and reading. I have concluded after many (many, many) hours of research that my top three at the moment are Williams, Amherst, and Princeton. Yeah man. I told you I dream big. Those schools are difficult to get into for any extremely smart person. So why am I even considering, considering I'm not extremely smart? Don't get me wrong. I'd like to think I'm pretty smart (my overall average on every report card so far in high school being a 93) but there's no way I am even in the top 10% of my high school class. For Princeton, you have to be in the top 2%, pretty much, to get in.
I feel like I didn't try Freshman year though. I feel like I can do better. I feel like I didn't show all my teachers my creative side. Thus, my goal for the rest of high school is to try my hardest as much as possible while having a blast.
I set the bar high for myself Sophomore year and I want to get into "Distinguished Honors" at least once. Honors in my schools is a 90 overall average or higher. Distinguished Honors is an overall average of 95 or higher.
To achieve this goal I will try not to go on Youtube (my addiction) during the week days. I also want to get back into the mood of reading a lot. I used to read nonstop in 5th and 6th grade but then I discovered things like Facebook and texting and I never read much anymore. This year (2011) I have read more than I have read in 3 years and I want to continue that. I would like to thank John Green's Paper Towns for breaking my dry streak. After that I decided to read the 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th Harry Potter books since the last movie was coming out. Then I read An Abundance of Katherines and Looking for Alaska. Now.. I need to go start my summer reading.
At the moment I am reading Just Listen by Sarah Dessen and Vector by Robin Cook.
I will get into at least one of those three schools. I will. I will. I will do whatever it takes and I will work my butt off to get there. I WILL.

The grading system in my school is really harsh:
An A is a 93 and up
and failing is a 70 or lower.
There isn't a such thing as an "A-" or "B-" or any "-" grades.

The End.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Renovations (August 14th 2011)


Today, I spent 10 hours building and fixing my bookshelves for my room with my father. It was so worth it. If you read my previous posts (especially my Library post) you know that I had way too many books to fit in my bookshelves. Now I can even fit many extra books with room to spare. My room looks amazing. Here are some before and after photos:

Yes my room was very messy. That's because I had to empty all of my drawers. My room has never been that messy before that.


wooooo! It's so pretty! and I have a floating counter O_o Look! Look. I even have so much more room for more books! YAY.
So that's what I spent all of today doing. I wonder what wonders tomorrow brings.

The End.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Silver Award- Community Garden (August 13th 2011)


Speaking of volunteering, for the past two years I've been involved in working with my GirlScout troop to take care of a community garden that we started. Last year we wanted to start something for our community that could make it a happier and prettier place while also giving back. So we made a vegetable garden.
 This is part of my troop. Since we made such a change to the community that our troop made the paper! This was one of the photos in it.
So once a week or so during the summer I go with my neighbor to the garden and we water it and tie the tomato plants.
Gardening is so much more fun when you do it with someone and for some many other people.
The harvests that come from our garden go to Center for Food Action. Which means they get donated to the less fortunate in our town. It's brilliant seeing people pick and take how many boxes of tomatoes they want or how many handfuls string beans they want.
Since last year the community garden has expanded. Now people from all over town have a small rectangle of land to plant their own pumpkins, tomatoes, sunflowers, etc.. if their yards had too much shade or whatever their complications were.
It's beautiful.

The End.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Weis Again. (August 12th 2011)


 My two weeks of Weis ended today. I had such a blast. I made lots of new friends and I took a bunch of pictures the last two days :] I'll show you a couple of my favorites!

One of the counselors taking a quick nap during our long hike. :]

My group having a blast with the homemade volcano


He's adorable.

My all time favorite picture in the entire world. This is completely adorable.

In conclusion, it was awesome and I will be back next year.. whether or not they want me! haha. Ready or not.
I'm not sure if the kids' parents would appreciate me naming all their children in the captions of the pictures, that's why I didn't.

So I was originally going to type up my post today 6hours ago but some friends came over and we had to go water the community garden that I volunteer at. Then we went to the neighborhood party that happens every Friday and met some more friends there. YES. I HAVE FRIENDS. It's 11:30. So I need to go to bed.. BUT I still posted this before midnight. so it's legal.

The End.