Monday, August 08, 2011

Dear Santa...

I'm such a dork. I found this while looking through my "Freelancers" folder on my computer. I wrote it last year for a thing for school.

"Dear Santa,
I would like to have World Peace. There is too much mass destruction and sorrow in the world right now. From gang killings to the war in Iraq, it's depressing. No one deserves to die, let alone get killed for NO reason.
I would also like for my friend to stay strong. Her grandmother died this morning and she's really close to me. I don't want her to look at it as a horrible thing but as just a bump in the road. Don't let her forget her grandma but just not to let it get to her too much.
Je voudrais un appareil-photo aussi, s'il vous plait. <-- A little bit of French, since you know every language in the world.
Lastly, I would like to do well on my Mid-terms. I know that is a lot to ask from you but I have been working so hard this year. I have never done better, grades wise, and I spend hours studying almost every day. Please just give me that extra boost to do my very best and so I can do great on every single one.
                                       Karina Wojnar, 14, New Jersey
P.S. Thank you for everything in the past. I know when I was little I couldn't really thank you. So I am thanking you now.
        Safe Flight."

*PPS. Please take care of everyone in London right now. I hope the riots don't get out of control like they did earlier this year in Egypt. People just don't understand, do they?

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