Saturday, September 08, 2012

I should post more. Here's a Review of TFIOS

The Fault in Our StarsThe Fault in Our Stars by John Green
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

How does one even begin to describe how much this book means to me? I've recommended it to my mother, my best friend, and my boyfriend. All of them loved it. I've read this book twice in the past 6 months and I plan on reading it again very soon.

Clarification: This is NOT a "Cancer Book". This book is not about a child who has cancer and how he or she or the family gets through it. If you want that kind of book. Don't read this one.
Good. Now that we have that out of the way, we can continue.

The Fault in Our Stars (TFiOS for short), is a yet another brilliant novel written by John Green. Personally, I think this is his best one. TFiOS is narrated by 16-yr-old Hazel Grace Lancaster. Unfortunately, Hazel Grace has terminal cancer. This book isn't about how she gets through life with cancer. It's about how she lives despite of it. She's a regular teenager. She laughs. She fangirls. She watches TV. She reads. She falls in love.

This book is the best love story ever written. Better than Romeo & Juliet (they only knew each other for a few days, mind you). Better than any other you could think of. John Green captures the idea of True Love so perfectly. It's the idea that one can completely be himself or herself with the person they are in love with.

It's happy. It's sad. It's funny. It's life.

P.S. Here's a link to a song about the book. Not me. But absolutely brilliant. Amazing song + amazing book = Amazing-ness explosion.

P.P.S. If you're a nerd, like I am, here's a link to a cool Facebook page that posts cool pictures and stuff :)

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