Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Nationality (August 16th 2011)


I just want to take a moment to say
I want this. This would be my dream prom dress. I will make it if I have to.

Now on with the post.
Today's post is about nationality. Most people are a whole bunch of nationalities combined like 70% Irish, 15% Spanish, 10% Italian, 5% French, for example. However, I'm 100% Polish. Plain and simple.
I'm proud of that. First generation (after of course my two brothers) born in America.
I wish people would embrace their nationalities and heritages. A lot of my friend's parent's don't know their 'native' languages even if their parents speak it fluently. It's because they were ashamed of it. Don't be ashamed of who you are.
My parents speak Polish to me all the time and it's awesome.
For example, I was at Six Flags last year and a lady was speaking to another lady in Polish about how she wasn't sure if she was ready to go on such an exotic ride. I turned around and said, "No. Don't worry about it. It really isn't that bad. op. sorry for eavesdropping." and I turned back around. It was cool. It's like you have your own secret community if you speak another language (or in my case.. understand another language).
Or you can talk about people behind their back (literally) with another person and hopefully they wont have any idea what you're talking about.
I just like the idea of so many different languages and so many people speaking them.
That's why I want to learn many languages. I want to become fluent in at least four ( as mentioned with a bunch of other things on my bucket list http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sxpCXFKGVYo)
Anyway, I like being Polish. I eat borscht on Christmas and Christmas Eve. We have the most delicious pastries and cakes in the world. Christmas Eve is more important than Christmas. Easter breakfast is a huge deal and usually consists of herring, pickles, eggs, mushrooms, horseradish, and meats. The rye bread is to die for when fresh out of the bakery.
There's no way you can tell me that it isn't gorgeous.

Especially the last one.
I love Poland. I have family in Poland. The pretzels are amazing.
Oh. Fun fact of the day.
The bagel shop in my town actually gets it's recipe from the pretzels in Poland. They are the best bagels in the world. No joke. That was not an opinion. It was a fact.

The End.

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