Thursday, August 18, 2011

School History (August 18th 2011)


I like to think of myself as a rather decent student. I try to pay attention as much as possible. I never talk back. But every once in a while I get into trouble and most of the time it's not my fault.
In fourth grade, I got a detention for not getting all my papers signed when my parents were away on vacation.
In fifth grade, I got a detention for someone else talking to me during class when I ignored them.
In sixth grade, I got kicked out of my FLEX (It's like geography) classroom for "making a joke" but it was actually a completely serious question.
I don't remember getting in trouble at all during 7th or 8th grade.
Last year I got yelled as for not sitting straight in my desk and apparently giving the teacher attitude (I really didn't. He was just in a bad mood that day).

For the interested, I go to a private Catholic high school. It's an all-girls school. I enjoy it a lot. Before this, I went to public school all my life (except for pre-school, that was Catholic too). However, I am not Catholic.

My school district was a little weird too. Pre-school. Then Kindergarden-3rd grade was one school (Elementary). Then 4th and 5th was another school (it was called the Intermediate school). Then 6th-8th was middle school. Now of course 9th-12th is high school.
There were two elementary schools that all combined starting at the intermediate school. It's sort of complicated.

Now I have to go because they are closing the water in my town at 10pm and it's almost 9pm and my brother has to shower after me.

The End.

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