Friday, August 19, 2011

My Bucket List (August 20th 2011)


 So I have to type this up (even though it's actually still Friday). I made a video on my channel tonight since I haven't in a week.
It's almost ten-thirty and I haven't packed yet for the two-day college trip.
Because of that I am just going to copy&paste something.

This is my Bucket List (except the personal things):

2.    Set a World Record
3.    Own a leather jacket
4.    Get bitten by a snake
5.    Get hit by a car
6.    Go sky diving
7.    Own a Morph suit
8.    Dress up as a pirate for a day
9.    Dress up as a superhero for a day
10.  Try everything on the Starbucks menu
11.  Stay drug-free
12.  Get Married to an amazing guy
13.  Don’t get Knocked up before 21
14.  Go to a heavy metal concert
15.  bungee jumping
16.  have a Star wars marathon
17.  have a harry potter marathon
18.  get a cat
19.  Get a tattoo (or 2...or 3...)
20.  get an unique  animal
21.  have at least 2 kids
22.  go to japan and building jump
23.  swim with sharks
24.  meet a celebrity
25.  go to Asia
26.  go to Australia
28.  go to south America
29.  Go to Hawaii again
30.  go to Paris
31.  Study in London
32.  Study in France
33.  study in Poland
34.  go to California
35.  go to a concert with my favorite band
36.  pretend to be a Ninja all day
37.  pretend to be a spy for a day
40.  Make a pizza from scratch
41.  Read the Bible from cover to cover
42.  Get a career in something I love
43.  Be a vegetarian for at least a while
44.  Have every room in my home a different color with different designs (paint it myself) or at least have each stair a different color]
45.  Paint my room exotic
46.  Paint myself entirely.
48.  Write a couple songs
49.  Pretend to be an Indian warrior for a while.
50.  Do something that makes a difference in a lot of peoples’ lives
51.  Graduate high school
52.  Graduate college
53.  Sleep under the stars, no tent
54.  Take many, many beautiful photographs.
.  Give my kids very exotic names (maybe Greek Gods names)
6.  Invent something cool
57.  Make a successful dinner for the family
58.  Learn to play the guitar
59.  Learn to play the Ukulele
60.  Learn Sign Language
61.  Become fluent in French
62.  Become fluent in Polish
63.  Finish all seven Harry Potter books
64.  Buy footie pajamas and wear them
65.  Never fail a class
67.  Learn to skateboard well
68.  Learn to surf
69.  Knit a blanket
72.  Start vlogging
74.  Go to Africa and help people there
75.  Scuba dive
77.  Go to every country in Europe
78.  Write a book and get it published
79.  Make a dress from scraps

The numbers got slightly messed up. But there you go. As you can see I have already done some of them :)

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