Friday, March 28, 2014

Community Service

Dear Society,

Like many, I have been a Girl Scout for a majority of my life. I grew up with community service. It was just a part of life. My troop and I created a community garden behind one of our churches. I adored helping out the town. Now four years later, not only has that community garden expanded, I have dipped my feet in several areas of volunteer work. My high school has encouraged me to do that. Ask any girl in my school, especially a senior, about her volunteer work. I bet you that she has done her volunteer hours in at least four different places. It’s extraordinary to think of how many people my high school community has helped out over the years. And that is the wonderful thing about helping people, they usually “pay it forward” and reach out to others as well. It’s comforting to know the world is a better place because of us. 

It’s human nature to want to help people. But helping strangers? That takes some courage. Not everyone is comfortable hanging out with homeless people in NYC or assisting special needs kids exercise. But why not? Why does that make people uncomfortable? That’s not fair. They are people; they just need some help. It is our job, as fortunate human beings to help the less fortunate. This is what community service has taught me: to step outside of my comfort zone for the good of the people. They are worth it. A phrase I live by “do onto others as you would want done onto you.” If I needed help, I would want someone to help me. Help, even if it is simply an act of kindness, can go a long way.

Do not feel forced into doing your community service hours. That is not what they are meant to do. Feel as though these hours are a part of who you are. Who knows, maybe you will find your passion. Maybe volunteering at a day care will help you realize that you want to teach art to little children. Maybe volunteering at a food kitchen will help you figure out that you want to make a difference in society. In a way, volunteering for others, helps you as well. You can find yourself while helping others. It’s the perfect solution to life. So enter the Service World with open eyes and ears. Take risks. Attend service opportunities you are not sure you will like, ‘cause, hey you never know.

An active participant in the community

Read the article on TeenInk:

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